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Rocky Mountain Signing

(303) 840-9877 

10335 S Progress Way
Parker, CO 80134

Since 1991

Certified DBE / WBE Contractor

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What Is a Truck Mounted Attenuator?

Enhancing Roadway Safety with Impact Attenuator Vehicles In the realm of road safety, every measure counts. From speed limits to traffic signals, various strategies are employed to minimize accidents and protect both motorists and construction workers. Among these strategies, truck-mounted attenuators (TMA) stand out as a vital component in safeguarding roadwork zones and emergency response areas. These impact attenuator vehicles serve as protective barriers, absorbing impact energy and reducing the severity of collisions. Let s... Read More


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Rent Concrete Barriers

Concrete Barriers, originally referred to as a “Jersey Barrier”, were introduced in the 1950 s to divide multi-lane highways. Now concrete barriers are used to reroute traffic and protect pedestrians and workers during highway construction. It is also used to protect open trenches during underground utility repairs and replacement. The original design was intended to reduce damage from accidents and lower the likelihood of a car crossing into oncoming lanes. Concrete Barriers are also used... Read More


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Rocky Mountain Signing is a traffic control company offering traffic control equipment rentals. This includes attenuator trucks, message boards, concrete barriers, and certified flaggers. We service several areas in Colorado, including Parker, Denver, Aurora. Littleton, Englewood, Lakewood, Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock, Larkspur, Monument, & Colorado Springs. Contact us today for all of your traffic management needs!


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