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Rocky Mountain Signing

(303) 840-9877 

10335 S Progress Way
Parker, CO 80134

Since 1991

Certified DBE / WBE Contractor

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Attenuator Truck Rental in Colorado

Rocky Mountain Signing Company recommends the use of attenuator trucks when setting up any type of lane closure on interstates, highways and any busy roadway with multiple lanes and speeds of 40 miles per hour and greater. The purpose for using an attenuator truck is to protect the traveling public as well as the construction crew. Attenuator trucks are also known as crash trucks and shadow vehicles. Here in Colorado, CDOT requires a 25 lite arrow board and a truck mounted attenuator which meets the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) test level III.

All attenuator truck drivers who work for Rocky Mountain Signing must first pass a written test, watch a video made by the attenuator manufacture and perform a vehicle walk around including an initial test drive with our fleet manager. Then they are scheduled to do multiple ride-alongs (minimum of three) with an experienced attenuator truck driver. Once the new driver feels he or she is ready they must contact the RMS safety officer for a telephone conference where the new driver is asked a series of questions. The new driver is also asked if they feel ready to go solo. If not, or if the questions are not answered correctly the new driver will be scheduled to perform more onsite training.

Rocky Mountain Singing Company in Parker Colorado has a fleet of sixteen CDOT approved attenuator trucks. Attenuator Trucks can be rented from Rocky Mountain Signing on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Attenuator trucks can be rented in the Denver Colorado area with or without drivers from Rocky Mountain Signing Company.

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Rocky Mountain Signing is a traffic control company offering traffic control equipment rentals. This includes attenuator trucks, message boards, concrete barriers, and certified flaggers. We service several areas in Colorado, including Parker, Denver, Aurora. Littleton, Englewood, Lakewood, Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock, Larkspur, Monument, & Colorado Springs. Contact us today for all of your traffic management needs!


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